

Intimacy that enlivens and endures: built with love and devotion, brick by brick, based on what is true and alive. Where we cultivate Organic Architecture… we build upon the rock 

“And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.” {Matthew 25}


  • The dynamic current that pulses through life, yoked to Truth and Love

  • The natural and spiritual laws that govern and serve life

  • Cohered spiritual alignment and the mirroring of values

  • Extended Orgasm, Cosmic Orgasm, Semen Retention, practices to deepen and enliven.

  • Purifying, healing, and maturing together. Union brings it all to the surface for alchemy

  • The transparent field of Union as living into Heaven on earth

  • Ceremonial rites and secret mysteries